Frequently Asked Resume Questions

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Here are the answers to the resume questions I am most frequently asked.

How long should my Australian resume be?

2 – 6 pages depending on your level of seniority

However, do not aim for a certain number of pages. Instead, focus on including only relevant content and keeping your writing tight. You are aiming for succinct, not brief.

Your resume should be as long as required to provide all relevant evidence that you are the best person for the role.

Can I include my referees?


This goes against the rule of including only what is relevant. Referee checks do not occur at this stage in the recruitment process.

You may break this rule if you are directed to provide referees as part of your application.

How far back should I go on my resume?

10 years

The general rule is to focus on your most recent and relevant experience within the last 10 years. Anything over 10 years you should take a look at and consider if it is still relevant.

This isn’t a hard rule; there may be times when your experience or education outside of this timeline is relevant.

It also doesn’t mean you should leave everything 10 years or older off your resume altogether. However, you should not give as much weight to this experience.  Use the previous employment section and highlight only relevant achievements.

Should I try to hide the gap in my employment?


Many individuals have gaps in employment, and often there is a ready explanation; study, travel, family leave, self-employment.

There is no point in trying to disguise gaps. The best action is to start on the right foot with transparency.

Explain any gaps if you can confidently do so. Use your cover letter to provide further explanation.

I left a role after only two months. Should I include it?


Any experience this small should be left off. A slightly more significant gap is better than the impression you might leave abruptly after an employer has invested time and money into recruiting and training you.

Having said that, don’t be concerned if you have several job changes. It is now common for individuals to change positions and even careers multiple times during their working lives. 

You don’t need to be too concerned about job hopping unless you have very short stints and frequent changes. This may cause the hiring manager to question your reliability. One option is to group similar roles within your experience section.

I am looking to relocate. Do I include my address in my resume?


Nowadays, almost all correspondence is via phone or email. Providing a postal address is obsolete. Just leave it off.

If you feel the need to address the issue of relocation, then use your cover letter. In your cover letter, you can provide additional detail about the circumstances.

Should I include a photo?


Again, only include content that is relevant to the job you are applying for. Your appearance is not related to your ability to perform the job.

What is the best resume template?

The one that most optimally showcases your unique skills, strengths and experience.

The ideal approach is clean, contemporary, and cohesive and compatible with Applicant Tracking System scanning

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