Career Resilience: What Is It and How to Improve It

Hands holding balloons spelling Career

It is hard to imagine that once it was common to have a job for life or that career success was climbing the ladder in the same organisation you started out in. We are often not even ‘employees’ anymore, rather a freelancer, contractor or portfolio worker.

This shift has been occurring for decades, but more recently, we have seen increased uncertainty and dramatic change.  Career success now requires we navigate various industries, several different organisations and roles. In fact, it is estimated that Australians will have an average of 13 jobs in their lifetime.

To meet the challenges of the frequent change and uncertainty in our careers, we require resilience.

In general, resilience means having the capacity to withstand stress and upheaval and the ability to recover from difficulties and setbacks.

Career Resilience

Thus, Career resilience refers to the ability to bounce back and learn from the pressures, challenges and setbacks experienced in our career.  To be flexible, recover from disappointments, and accept uncertainty and insecurity.

Career resilience is something that can be developed and improved.

Here are some tips:

How to Improve Your Career Resilience

Keep a positive attitude

Staying optimistic during difficult times can be challenging, but maintaining a positive outlook is essential for building resiliency. 

Understand that setbacks are temporary and that you have the skills and abilities to recover from challenges. Accept that change is an unavoidable part of work and focus on being flexible.

Resilient people understand that things change and that plans may need to be amended.

Always maintain perspective, understanding that while a situation may feel overwhelming at the moment, in the bigger picture, it may be small.

Build your confidence

Working on your self-confidence and belief in your ability to respond and deal with challenges and setbacks is an excellent way to build resilience.

Resilient people are confident that they will succeed, despite the setbacks they might encounter.

Having a belief in yourself and your abilities allows you to keep moving forward to overcome challenges.

Cultivate a growth mindset

One of the best ways to successfully bounce back from challenges is to be prepared for them.

By engaging in ongoing learning and development, you are continually building the skills and knowledge necessary to make changes and find new opportunities in your career.

Look after yourself

When you are at your best, you are better able to cope effectively with challenges and setbacks.

Your ability to react well to additional pressures will be compromised If you feel tired, overwhelmed, run-down or stressed.  Take care of yourself.

Take control

If you feel in control, then you are more likely to respond well to challenges.

Set yourself reasonable goals to deal with problems. Don’t wait for setbacks to happen or for opportunities to come to you.

Take control and be proactive.  You need to find, create, explore and make your own career opportunities. 

Related: How to Take a Career Test Drive

Maintain your network

Especially during difficult times, it helps to have supportive people around.

Having someone to talk to allows you to share your feelings, gain support, maintain perspective, receive positive feedback, and develop possible solutions to your problems.

Work on developing a solid professional network. Don’t wait until you are experiencing challenges in your career to reach out; start to build a network of positive professional relationships now.

Reciprocate by looking for ways to support your professional network, knowing that they will be there to support and inspire you during your difficult times.

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